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发布时间:2016-08-25 10:33:34 访问次数:1413次


Things I Know for Sure



1. We Are Responsible for Our Life. And nobody else. Although all success requires the assistance and cooperation of others, our success can never be left to anyone else. Luck is not a strategy.



2. You Can't Learn Less. We can only add to our knowledge. We don't have to give some of it up in exchange for new knowledge. Our ability to absorb and retain knowledge may just be unlimited.   



3. What You Sow, You Reap. This is also called The Law of the Farm or The Law of Reciprocity. In order to continue to receive, we must give.



4. You Can't Un-ring a Bell. No one can change what's already happened. Whatever is done is done. It's up to us whether we use the experience to learn or allow ourselves to be run by the experience.



5. It Takes a Long Time to Build a Good Reputation and Only a Short While to Ruin It. Trust and credibility is built slowly but can be lost almost instantly.

信誉建难毁易。信任和声誉是慢慢建立起来的  ,但却能毁于一旦。


6. If You Don't Believe in Yourself, No One Else Will. People don't respect or follow anyone who doesn't have confidence in themselves. I think the Universe tends to trust us to the degree we trust ourselves.



7. We Can Accomplish Anything We Want, Just Not EVERYTHING We Want. It's a too big world. There are too many options, 

too many things and only a certain amount of time.




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