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英语美文:We Stand on the Same Starting Point 我们站在同一起跑点(双语)

发布时间:2016-05-17 11:19:11 访问次数:3075次

We Stand on the Same Starting Point 我们站在同一起跑点(双语)

When I went to a friend’s house as a guest, I found a wooden sign hung on the door. It reads, “Before entering, please shuck off your trouble; when returning, bring back your happiness.”


After entering the house, I saw the host and hostess were both harmonious,two children weregenerous and polite and warmth and harmony filled the house.


I naturally asked the wooden sign. The hostess looked at the host with a smile, “You tell the story.” The host then gently looked back at the hostess, “You say because it was your creativity."


Finally, the hostess said gently and slowly, “Once when I got home, I was shocked to see a sleepy gloomy face in the elevator mirror, with the frowned eyebrows and the worried eyes. So I thought when my children and husband faced this worried sullen face, what would they feel? If I also faced such a face, what would I react? Then, I could imagine my children’s silence and my husband’s indifference at the dinner table... The next day, I wrote a wooden sign and nailed it on the door to remind myself. It turned out that the sign not only reminded myself but the whole family. The miracle occurred in this way. Moreover, not only our family but also the guests to our house always become happy..."

最终,女主人轻缓地说开了 :“有一天我回家,在电梯的镜子里看到了一张困倦、灰暗的脸,一双紧拧的眉毛,忧虑的眼睛......把我自己吓了一大跳。于是,我想,当孩子、丈夫面对这样愁苦阴沉的面孔时,会有什么感觉?假如我面对的也是这样的面孔又会有什么反应?接着我想到孩子在餐桌上的沉默、丈夫的冷淡……第二天我就写了一块木牌钉在门上以提醒自己。结果,提醒的不只是我而是一家人,奇迹就这样出现了。而且,不仅是我们一家人,到我家的客人也都变得很开心……”

上一篇:人教版新课标高中英语(必修3):Unit4 Astronomy: The Science of the Stars   下一篇:英语美文106:去经历去体验 做最好最真实的自己

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